Blogger Backgrounds

26 November 2011

I'm still here

Heey! Okay, I know, I kinda ditched my bloggy, seems like that..
But I haven't ;D
I'm still here >:D But tbh, Im getting super bored of msp. I found a better game. T.T   <--- I know, the name is SUPER GAAY, but its really awesome :D
whoever plays that, add me. my name is Caori
anyhooo, i'll try to update my blog more but ill be on MSP less ofteen.
Sorrreeeh :c

16 November 2011

Any Ideas?

OMG OMG OMG! If you have noticed the new 'MSP TV' feature on movietown lately, you'd see EVIESNUGGLE'S VIDEO IS UP THEREE ! I'm so happy for her so watch it and comment :D
Oh and btw, hers is the one called 'Run the world - Girls' ON THE SECOND PAGE<3

Anyhoo, I'm getting really impatient for the new competition to arrive so comment and tell me your ideas of what the new upcoming competitions theme is gonna be!<3

12 November 2011

New competiton & Breaking Dawn

Hello! Okay, so, new competition released!
'Eternal Love' competition.
Abit boring for me, I mean really MSP, theres loads of better options for competitions..
Has anyone else noticed that it resembles alot to the new twilight movie releasing this october called 'Breaking Dawn' ? The wedding scene is really similiar.
Speaking of twilight, I am SO excited!
I love twilight so much and I have been waiting like 10 freakin months xO Anyone else like twilight?^o^
So its releasing on the 18th, and i've already booked my tickets. Its awesome how they made it into parts aswell ^^ MORE, MORE, MORE!

Anyways, comment and tell me what you think of this competition :'D

9 November 2011

Dean1 Returns :D

Yay! Dean's back, I'm not really sure how.
ANYWAYS, welcome baaaackkk!!! :D

6 November 2011


This is Cookieeez!
She's been wanting me to make a post
for her for a while now, so I am :D
Cookieeez went to my Primary school and shes so damn awesome.
She's an amazing friend, and I am so happy I met her.
Keep on being epic, my cookieeez<3


Hi !
I was about to delete a tester blog I made, when I got off focused and deleted THIS blog instead!
Ahh! I was in a major panick, freaking out -.-''
But luckily, like 4 minutes later, I found out how to get it back :'D
It was quite simple really o.O
Well I was gonna delete my blog before, but I decided not to because
of the 3 months I've spent building it up. :')

5 November 2011

New Competition

Heeey ! So theres a new competition! Yayyy!
The  'Tokya Shopaholics' Competition which is AWESOME!
Such a cool theme, and has so pretty cool items too ! :D
So here's what it is:

I also can't wait to see the movies tooo, and now since I'm jury, I can vote! ;Dxx
So what do you think of this competition?    Comment and Tell Me ! xx

Should I Delete My Blog?

should I delete my blog? No one reads it anymore, and it's becoming a waste of my time.
It's getting copied, and people are also saying mean stuff about it.
so Yes Or No?
Comment and tell me.

4 November 2011

Wheres Dean1?

Believe it or not, the known BITCH called 'strawberry-lu'  made Dean1 quit recently and delete his user. Lu apparently 'dared' him to delete his user so Deann just go fed up and deleted his user ! x.x   NOOO DEAN, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU,  BUT I MISSSS YOUUU ?! o_O  
Anyways, Lu, I hope your happy. -.-'

2 November 2011

Happy Halloween!

So did everyone have an awesome halloween?
I did ! LOOOL  I thought I wouldn't cause everyone was busy so I had no one to go with but
some of my year 8 friends said they would go with me ! :D
I got TONS of sweets, because most people in my neighborhood were celebrating it.
I've ate most of them now.... -.-''
Comment and tell me how epic yours was<3